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Knife Skills


1. Choose knife based on what you are cutting

  • Paring knife- cutting small areas

  • Carving knife- long straight blade used for meat

  • Chef's knife- straight, but longer than paring with a curved front edge to cut meat and vegetables

2. Hold the knife as if you were going to shake hands with it. Use your dominate hand.

  • Index finger should be near the top side of the knife, rather than the bottom of the handle.

3. Keep the tip of the knife down on the cutting board.

  • Make the knife blade go forward and down at once. Let the knife "roll" through the food.

  • This rule does not apply for cutting small items like garlic, which typically uses a paring knife.

4. Form a claw with your opposite hand.

  • The knuckle on your middle finger will form the end of the claw, closest to the knife's edge. Place claw on food you want to cut. This will make you less likely to cut your finger. 






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